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User: ricordami
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- 1 PFENNIG - REPUBBLICA FEDERALE 1949-- Sunday 22 December at 21:52
2 MARK I tipo - REPUBBLICA DEMOCRATICA 1949-1990 Tuesday 29 March at 08:48
1 GROSCHEN - REPUBBLICA Monday 14 March at 07:38
100 PESETAS Museo - REGNO 1949- Monday 7 March at 13:07
20 ESCUDOS - PORTOGALO Monday 7 March at 12:51
25 PESETAS - REGNO 1949- Monday 22 February at 15:58
100 PESETAS - REGNO 1949- Monday 22 February at 15:51
100 PESETAS I tipo - REGNO 1949- Thursday 11 February at 15:02
1/2 LEK - ZOG I 1928-1939 Wednesday 10 February at 15:11
5 FRANCS Aregento IV tipo - SVIZZERA Wednesday 24 September at 10:59
5 FRANCS Aregento III tipo - SVIZZERA Wednesday 24 September at 10:49
5 FRANCS Aregento II tipo - SVIZZERA Wednesday 24 September at 10:44
5 FRANCS Aregento - SVIZZERA Wednesday 24 September at 10:31
2 RAPPEN II tipo - SVIZZERA Tuesday 9 September at 19:39
2 RAPPEN I tipo - SVIZZERA Tuesday 9 September at 19:33
1 RAPPEN II tipo - SVIZZERA Tuesday 9 September at 18:50
1 RAPPEN I tipo - SVIZZERA Tuesday 9 September at 10:01
20 SCHILLING - AUSTRIA Thursday 24 July at 09:45
5 FILLER - REPUBBLICA POPOLARE 1949-1989 Saturday 7 December at 08:44
2 Zlote I Tipo - Repubblica. Popolare Friday 6 December at 19:46
5 Zlotych I Tipo - Repubblica. Popolare Friday 6 December at 19:32
5 Groszy - Repubblica. Popolare Friday 6 December at 19:21
1 Grosz - Repubblica Dopo Guerra Friday 6 December at 18:32
2 Grosze - Repubblica Dopo Guerra Friday 6 December at 18:29
20 DRACHMAI - GRECIA Friday 6 December at 10:51
50 CENTIMOS 82 - REGNO 1949- Thursday 5 December at 19:21
20 DRACHMAI Argento - Regno Constantine II 1964-1973 Thursday 5 December at 18:53
5 DRACHMAI II tipo - Regno Constantine II 1964-1973 Thursday 5 December at 18:50
1 SCHILLING - AUSTRIA Thursday 5 December at 18:15
10 PARA - REGNO MUHAMMAD V 1909-1918 Thursday 18 July at 07:28
1 MARK - IMPERO 1871-1918 Tuesday 26 February at 09:40
1 MARK II tipo - IMPERO 1871-1918 Tuesday 26 February at 09:15
1/4 GULDEN - ANTILLEN JULIANA 1948-1980 Wednesday 19 December at 20:36
25 PESETAS OLIMPIADI 92 - REGNO 1949- Wednesday 19 December at 17:25
1 PFENNIG - - REPUBBLICA FEDERALE 1949-- Thursday 13 December at 09:07
10 CENTIMOS - REGNO 1949- Monday 3 December at 11:08
- 5 PFENNIG - REPUBBLICA FEDERALE 1949-- Tuesday 27 November at 14:20
10 PFENNIG - - REPUBBLICA FEDERALE 1949-- Monday 26 November at 13:24
- 10 PFENNIG - REPUBBLICA FEDERALE 1949-- Sunday 25 November at 21:21
5 PFENNIG - - REPUBBLICA FEDERALE 1949-- Sunday 25 November at 11:10
100 ESCUDOS - PORTOGALO Saturday 24 November at 09:59
50 ESCUDOS - PORTOGALO Friday 23 November at 20:08
10 ESCUDOS - PORTOGALO Friday 23 November at 13:27
5 ESCUDOS - PORTOGALO Friday 23 November at 13:03
1 ESCUDO - PORTOGALO Friday 23 November at 09:33
1 ESCUDO CAMPIONATO di HOKEY - PORTOGALO Friday 23 November at 09:25
1 ESCUDO IV tipo - PORTOGALO Friday 23 November at 09:10
1 ESCUDO III tipo - PORTOGALO Friday 23 November at 08:55
1 ESCUDO II tipo - PORTOGALO Thursday 22 November at 21:22
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Ultimo utente iscritto reficul, Monday 26 September at 12:55